{"convo": {"messages": [ {"author":"mastro123","content":"Hey, I saw that you also like turtles, do you think you will ever make a video about your turtles?" }, {"author":"me","content":"Hi! Yeah, I'd definitely be down!" }, {"author":"me","content":"I have never actually met anyone who also likes turtles the same way I do haha" }, {"author":"mastro123","content":"No way, I thought more people liked them" }, {"author":"me","content":"I may just have been really unlucky lol" }, {"author":"mastro123","content":"Are you also planning to make a video about surfing? I think it'd be pretty entertaining!." } ] },"content":"yes"}
AI chatlog summarization
Create a shorthand/paragraph summarization of a conversation.
Request Body
The server encountered an unknown issue while processing the request
{ message:"internal_processing_error", data: {} }
Some parameters were expected in a different format (details provided in response body)
Some parameters expected in the request are missing
{ message:"bad_request_missing", data: {} }
{ message:"success", data: { content: { "paragraph": "You and UserName both like cheeseburgers. UserName said that he likes McDonald's more than Wendy's.",
"shorthand":"UserName likes Wendy's over McDonal's and likes cheeseburgers." }, collection_id:"SUM-a76xhs19Z2", db_exception:false }}